Jim believes giving is one of the top virtues in life. It keeps our world going and fuels the mind, body and soul. He established the LIFT Fitness Foundation to help those in need build a better quality of life. The mission of the LIFT Fitness Foundation is to create a foundation of wellness to empower individuals in need.
While teaching JWFNS Boot Camp at the Virginia Beach oceanfront one morning, Jim was struck by the sight of homeless individuals sleeping on the benches, living in despair and their all-around inactivity. He felt the need to do something… And started a program that incorporates nutrition education, exercise and motivation to help people in need get back on their feet. Knowing the power that fitness and health can have, the LIFT program was born and has been changing lives ever since.
L stands for Lifting spirits.
The LIFT program was designed to help motivate, energize and inspire others to believe in themselves while unleashing their full potential. In each LIFT session, we motivate members to push forward and create a more positive mind frame. We have seen our participants gain confidence, which has inspired them to get jobs, improve their health, and lift their spirits in all areas of their life.
I stands for Improving bodies.
Every session in the LIFT program includes a cardiovascular and strength workout that is geared for any fitness level. Our highly credentialed trainers lead boot camp-style group exercise and our volunteers lead walking and jogging programs or help to motivate throughout each session. We track the participants’ progress by recording their weight and waist measurements every week. We also give them pedometers and track their steps. At our closing ceremony, we recognize their achievements and hand out awards for perfect attendance, most pounds lost, most steps taken, and more. In one of our programs, one participant walked 217,000 steps in four weeks, which for most people translates to around 100 miles. The exercise piece of the program is vital in helping to improve our participants’ bodies and lives.
F stands for Feeding souls.
Nutrition is such a large part of the health equation, which is why our LIFT program incorporates nutrition education and provides cooking demonstrations for the participants. We teach them what to eat, when to eat and what foods will help to nourish their bodies to help improve overall health. We have Registered Dietitians, nutritionists and professional chefs come in to teach participants how to cook, shop on a budget and know the appropriate portions of food to get and stay healthy. In addition, we provide healthy snacks and recipes to our participants to help feed their souls nutritionally.
T stands for Transforming lives.
Our focus is to transform the lives of those in need. The motivation provided by our staff, combined with the exercise instruction and nutrition education, helps improve each member’s physique, stress level, sleep, confidence, energy and overall health. We help those in need feel a part of something, be accountable to someone, and most importantly prove to themselves that they can overcome resistance, push past obstacles and make better choices. As an end result, this is what transforms their lives.